The Story
The Rejection Chronicles Covid Edition continues today with another piece that was rejected by a very prestigious publication that shall go unnamed*
*The New York Times – Editorial Page
I just want you to know these are high quality rejections here people! Not just the Yorktown Heights Buy and Sell Editorial Page. For fuck sakes. Remember writing political satire is a risky business, you have a 24 hr window to find a publisher. This piece is dated, that is the nature of political satire archives. That said, please welcome installation number 5 or 4 or 3, does anyone know what day it is?
Here is a piece about Trumps choice for press secretary after Shawn Spicer was fired. Many speculated that his campaign PR hack Hope Hicks, a 26 year old aide who many call the Trump Whisperer would take the post. Hope is an ex model, and that is not a slam, because she is obviously a very, very smart person, tragically wasting her brains in the pursuit of a corrupt right wing ideology.
You will recognize the debt owed to Abott and Costello – again! Thanks for reading.
We take you now to a conversation in a Washington DC power bar:
I hope she’s going to resign.
You hope who is going to resign?
Hopefully Hope.
Only a hick would resign at a time like this.
It’s Trump world, you know, there’s lots of hicks.
Director of Communications? That’s the perfect job for hicks.
Which hicks?
Hope Hicks.
Yes I know, I heard you, you hope a hick gets the job, but I’m asking you which hick are you hoping for?
Have you been following Trump?
As much as I can stomach.
This is one of the highest profile jobs in the administration, having a hick in that role would be a disaster.
Well apparently Hicks hopes she can find a better job.
Which hick hopes she can find a better job?
Because I heard Trump thinks Hicks is perfect.
He would.
Is Hope being audacious?
Hopefully not.