Do you need to get rid of some time while laughing and thinking about stuff differently? Good. Keep reading.
Have a read…
Perp Man Walking
The Rejection Chronicles Covid Edition #2. I thought it would be fun to write about white collar crime. You know, the crime with no punishment. Today we’re going to dedicate this to our good friend General Michael Flynn. Here is a piece from 2007 called Perp Walk – appearing here for the first and last time . Enjoy…
The Audacity Of Hope
The Rejection Chronicles Covid Edition continues today with another piece that was rejected by a very prestigious publication that shall go unnamed*…
Pork Products For All
The Rejection Chronicles Covid Edition continues today with another instalment from my take on Devin Nune’s Cow, this time opining on the Pork Industry and the Trump Administration – sound dull? Look, if people didn’t; love Pork you think they would have invented vegetarian bacon? Happy Mothers Day! – Enjoy. (c) 2019 Matt Zimbel…
Devin Nune’s Cow
Instalment 3 of the Rejection Chronicles Covid Edition. [This is a piece I was asked to write for a Cows Twitter account that was looking for a book deal. Background: Devin Nunes is a Republican congressman from California. Before he was a congressman he was a dairy farmer. When he became a congressman, Trump could do no wrong in his books. Congressman Nunes did not take a fancy to the Twitter account that was quite critical of him. He decided to sue the Twitter account. This is the cows story]…
Eh to Zed – 26 Short Stories About Being
A is for Academia. The way that most academics write and speak is tiresome in the extreme. Their message is: “look at me, I am communicating, but not to you, I am speaking a language that was created to make you feel ignorant and by extension make me feel superior.” Well you know what? Cut the fucking crap. Talk to me…try to be clear, try to share, try to make your amazing knowledge, the métier that you have studied for years, have the widest reach, the most impact…publish or perish…but please speak to us…
Alberta! Orange Crush…We Love You!